Contact us

Contact us

Contact us

Thank you for viewing our corporate website.
Please enter necessary information in the form below and press the “Confirm” button.
(Please do not use half-width katakana)
Fields marked as “Required” must be filled out.

  • *Diversion and secondary use of part or all of the content of our answer as well as disclosure of it to the others without our permission are strictly prohibited.
  • **Please note that we may not answer depending on the content of your question.

Confirm your inquiry

Confirm your inquiry

The following will be sent. After confirming the contents, please click the “Send” button.

Inquiry Type *Required
Inquiry Content *Required
Name *Required Family Name:
Given Name: *Please enter in half-width characters
Affiliation *Required *Please enter in half-width characters
E-mail Address *Required
*Please enter in half-width alpha-numerics or symbols.

(Input your e-mail address again for confirmation)

Phone Number - -
*Please enter in half-width alphanumeric or other characters.
Country *Required
About the provided personal information:
We will manage the input personal information, including your name, affiliation and e-mail address, as strictly as is reasonably possible in order to prevent people from illegally obtaining it. We will also accept your request for correction or deletion of the provided personal information by using this form.

[Reception Time]
excluding weekends and holidays

*Inquiries made outside the reception time will be received in the reception time on the next business day.
The staff in charge will reply in order during the reception time,
but some answers may take time.
We appreciate your prior understanding.